Monday, February 15, 2010

Exclusive Video:Vaughn Anthony "In Your Shoes" Teaser

Its post Valentine's Day and hopefully our lovers are still in the state of their V-Day bliss. As the week begins I am more than pleased to feature one of the Most Slept on Artists of the past couple of years Mr.Vaughn Anthony. Guess who's his Grammy winning brother? If you want to know then you better Google him Baby! I won't even mention his bro's name because his talent stands alone and with the launching of my new site I will feature an intimate interview with this talented artist to give you the inside scoop on his upcoming album and life as a MSOA.

If you are into that real R&B sound, keep your eyes on Mr.Vaughn Anthony whose music is easy on the ears and looks are pleasant to the eyes.

Here's a teaser for his latest video "In Your Shoes". Enjoy!

"In Your Shoes" -- Artist: Vaughn Anthony - TEASER from Sandra Varona on Vimeo.

Stay Tuned Is Coming Soon!
