Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday's Best: Beyoncé Sweet Dreams

To step my blog game up a notch i'm going to introduce a brand new segment Sunday's Best, which will debut the hottest songs, videos, and photos of Timeless and Talented artists on Sunday. You like? Of course, I knew you would! Well, the premier artist is none other than the Queen Bey with her latest video "Sweet Dreams", which is one of my fav songs on her album.

What do I think? Unstoppable, Phenomenal Performer, & This Chica Can Do Whateva She Wants Cuz she's Bey! So, does it matter what I think? Nope!

Not Sunday's Best

Now, I absolutely love Drake and respect this brotha's hustle from playing a handicapped dude on Degrassi to an emcee that folks actually pay attention to his lyrical content, but his premiere video "Best I Ever Had" was extremely wack! Who produced this video? It had no visual concept of the actual song and the big breasted chicks were tacky. I don't know Drakey Poo you have to do better second time around and the BET performance didn't help you either... Poor thing.

Part 2 of Ju-Taun's interview will be up this week.

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